Study tip: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Study tip of the month - Don't be afraid to make mistakes - The Language Academy

One of the most common barriers to learning a new language is fear of making mistakes. This could mean saying the wrong word, incorrect grammar or mispronunciation.

But this is a good sign! It means that you are trying hard to use the language to make the mistakes in the first place.

Instead of seeing your mistakes as errors, think of them as opportunities to improve.

As long as you are noticing your mistakes as you go (and aren’t creating bad habits) you are going to improve faster than someone who won’t converse for fear of appearing incompetent.


Top three things to remember:

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🗣️ Communicate wherever and whenever you have the opportunity: If this is with a native speaker, they will be impressed simply by the fact you’ve taken an interest in their language, so relax and keep talking.

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👂 Awareness is key: The next time you have a conversation and make a mistake, try not to get upset with yourself. Rather, take note of that word or conjugation that tripped you up so you can revise later on.

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🌱 Focus on progress, not perfection: Embracing your mistakes by communicating the language you’re learning is the best way to advance your skills.

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🚧 Do you know of another common barrier to learning a language? We’d love to hear your thoughts, comment them below.


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