Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You might be able to find the answer to your question below listed in our frequently asked questions.

If you can't find the answer to your question, or you would like more detail, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Your education journey is unique, which is why we believe your answer should be too.

Q: What type of visa do i need if I want to study at The Language Academy?

Ⓐ You can choose from three different visas:
– Tourist Visa: study up to 12 weeks, not allowed to work
– Working Holiday Visa: study up to 17 weeks, allowed to work
– Student Visa: study from 12 to 48 weeks, allowed to work up to 20 hours per week


Q: Can you help me with my visa application? 

Ⓐ We are not allowed to offer advice for visa application but we can refer you to a migration agent who can help you. You could also find some information about the Australia visa application process by visiting the Department of Home Affairs website. Alternatively, you can contact a local educational agent in your area.


Q: How many students are there in class? 

Ⓐ Maximum 10 students.


Q: Do I need to know English to study at The Language Academy?

Ⓐ No, you don’t need to know English. However, all students are required to take the entry level test on their first day regardless of their level.


Q: How is my progress assessed as a student?

Ⓐ You will take a weekly test and an end of course test. You will get a report from this test and feedback from the Academic Manager.


Q: Do I have to pay for material? 

Ⓐ No. Course material is included in your course fee.


Q: Can I extend my studies after I finish my course?

Ⓐ Yes. You can talk to our Administration staff who can help you extend your studies.


Q: Are all prices in Australian Dollars?

Ⓐ Yes.


Q: Do I get a certificate after the course?

Ⓐ Yes.


Q: What other courses can I take at The Language Academy, apart from English?

Ⓐ You can prepare for the IELTS, FCE or CAE exams, learn how to surf or scuba dive, or learn seven languages other than English.

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