Sacha's Mexican travel story

You know what we love?

We love receiving heart-warming emails from our students who have travelled or are currently travelling overseas; using their language skills to help them experience a whole new world.

Read Sacha’s email below (shared with permission) and find out how learning Spanish at The Language Academy helped her unlock many facets of her recent trip to Mexico.

“Hi Pablo,

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all your wonderful Spanish tuition.

I’ve just spent 3 weeks in Mexico meeting Angel’s Mum and extended family. We stayed with his Mum, Aunty, Uncle and cousins and they hardly speak any English.

Even though my Spanish knowledge is only basic I was able to communicate and connect with them and answer the everyday questions like:

  • “Are you hungry?”
  • “What would you like for breakfast?”
  • “Do you want to walk to the shopping centre with me?”

[I was able to] understand the gist of conversations around the dinner table and have more in depth conversation with the help of a little sign language (haha). I was able to go into cafes and order a coffee and read most of the menu in restaurants.

I had a wonderful time and felt like part of the family.

I owe a lot of that wonderful experience to learning Spanish. I think I would have felt very left out and segregated if I didn’t know any Spanish and wasn’t able to communicate to get to know everybody.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help, I’m very grateful for your classes, your teaching methods, patience and generosity of extra classes. You really go above and beyond what is required and I wanted to let you know how appreciative I am… so thank you, thank you, thank you!

Kindest regards,

👋 A big thank you to you, Sacha, for sending us such wonderful feedback, and for allowing us to share your personal experiences so that our students can see the potential in learning a second language.

🗣️ If you want to learn a new language, or brush up on your existing skills, call us today on (07) 5578 6838 to find out more.


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