

🅠 What do you like most about studying at The Language Academy?

Ⓐ  “I have learnt a lot and enjoyed a lot. Teachers’ effort to encourage students to communicate each other is obvious every where and every time


🅠 What has been your biggest challenge while studying English?

Ⓐ  “To catch other students accent. Non native English speakers that I wasn’t used to as sometimes they spoke fast”


🅠 What has improved the most while studying English?

Ⓐ  “My writing”


🅠 What has been one of your favourite activities to do on the Gold Coast in your spare time?

Ⓐ  “Surfing”


🅠 What piece of advice would you give to students considering studying in Australia?

Ⓐ  “Jump into a new environment. New students don’t have to be 100% prepared to study. The school will give you everything you need to learn and improve”

I have learnt a lot and enjoyed a lot

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