🅠 What did you like most about studying at The Language Academy?
Ⓐ “My favourite things was to be in the class with only one or two students.”
🅠 What was your biggest challenge while studying English?
Ⓐ “My biggest challenge was to understand finally the tense of ‘Perfect’. All the time I couldn’t understand it because in my language we don’t have this tense. Every time when I started to learn it, it wasn’t clear to me. But now it is. I found myself using this tense automatically without thinking.”
🅠 What has improved the most?
Ⓐ “Everything has improved. But the most thing is to speak without hesitation and that is thanks to some projects that we have to prepare and talk about it in the class.”
🅠 What was it like studying here on the Gold Coast?
Ⓐ “…My decision to learn here it was because I have been told that in this place the number of student in class is low.”
🅠 How has this English course prepared you for the future?
Ⓐ “Now I can practice on the internet and understand what I’m doing. Also I got a big confidence to speak and communicate with people.”
🅠 Would you recommend The Language Academy?
Ⓐ “I’m sure I will recommend. With 100 percent.”
Everything has improved.